139th Infantry Regiment - North Carolina National Guard

Fort Bragg, NC 28307
United States


The Adjutant General established the North Carolina NationalGuard Officer Candidate School at Fort Bragg on 19 December 1957. The North Carolina National Guard appealed to Headquarters Third United States Army to provide suitable facilities at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. On 19 May 1958, earned Federal Recognition effect that date as an accredited State Officer Candidate School. The School had it official opening with a weekend assembly on 24-25 May 1958. Class Number 1 was limited to sixty candidates from 81 applicants. The academy grew into the 139th Regiment (Combat Arms) and is a world-class training site. Active Duty, Guard and Reserve Soldiers both combat arms and combat support learn there year round with emphasis on Military Occupational Specialty, Additional Skill Identifier and Officer and Noncommissioned Officer Education training.