Fort Bragg, NC 28307
United States

On order, the 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade rapidly deploys in support of the Global Response Force to conduct decisive aviation operations worldwide to enable the ground force commander with air assault, air movement, attack, reconnaissance, and MEDEVAC capability.

About 'Pegasus' Brigade

The 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade tactical moniker "Pegasus" is a name drawn from the historic June 6th, 1944 Allied invasion of mainland Europe. Specifically, Pegasus Bridge was the single most important piece of key terrain whose control was critical to the protection of thousands of British and Canadian soldiers during their early morning assault on the beaches of Sword and Juno. British paratroopers were inserted on six gliders around midnight, the first Allied company sized unit to begin the D-Day invasion. These paratroopers used gliders to conduct air land insertions

The 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade prides itself as part of the 82nd Airborne Division.

Formed in 1957 as the 82nd Aviation Company and then later reorganized as the 82nd Aviation Battalion in 1960. The battalion became the first combat aviation battalion assigned to a division-sized unit in the U.S. Army. In 1987 the 82nd Aviation Battalion would again reorganized as the 82nd Aviation Brigade.

Since then, the “Wings of the Airborne” has always answered the nations call. Supporting operations in Vietnam, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Dominican Republic, Panama, Grenade, the mountains of Afghanistan and the streets of Iraq.

Today’s modern 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) took shape in January 15, 2006. As the U.S. Army sought to better consolidate combat power through the Brigade Combat Team construct for its land forces, the aviation brigades underwent similar realignment to increase its capabilities. As a result of the reorganization of the 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, the formation included: Headquarters and Headquarters Company (Gryphon), 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment (Saber), 1st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion (Wolfpack), 2nd Assault Battalion (Corsair), 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion (Talon), and 122nd Aviation Support Battalion (Atlas).

Today we remain America’s emergency aviation response option as part of the aviation Global Response Force.